Friday, November 8, 2013

Ironman Florida

"Success in competition requires taking risks that are normally held back by fear. The first risk is entering the competition itself -- choosing to compete.  Everyone has his own personal threshold where the benefits of competing outweigh the fears." -Po Bronson

Man, this has been a tough blog to write.  Not that I don't want to, but just nothing really coming out.  It really was a great day for me.  There were some setbacks, but that's just how Ironman racing goes.  And really, I knew where my training was, but I'd have to hit everything to do what I could.  I thought sub 8:30 was my goal, though I really thought I could go under 8:20 if it played out well.

My goals this year were primarily time based.  I know that can seem odd, but it allowed me to focus more on myself and my own improvement, and to focusing on reducing the gap to the top guys, to be more and more competitive going forward.  Racing for placing is very important for a professional,  but you have to take the proper steps.... Like my coach Cliff English says, "Train to train. Train to race. Race to win." Sounds simple, because it is.  Don't leave out the steps that get you where you want.  But that's been the majority of my racing experience.  Working hard, wanting to get better, but just way too general.  You can't expect podiums (in quality sized fields) without being able to swim/bike/run at a certain speed/pace/intensity. So for me, it was - get there -  first.  That's why we had so many 1/2's, and only 1 Ironman.

I look back at 3 years ago.  Back from injuries and no training.  I wasn't healthy or fast enough to compete where I expected.  And everyone pretty much felt sorry for me.  But then I learned acceptance. Just being able to "accept" whatever that day brings.  Whatever each session, or each race, or especially each outcome is.  If I get my butt kicked (which happens plenty), accept, learn, move on. It was so important to just allow me to show up, and do my best.

But once you learn to do that, once you can give a consistent effort each time, you have to start reaching.  You have to improve.  And that involves risk.  So I started looking more and more about what it takes to be competitive, versus what my current level was. I remember looking at what kind of wattage it would take to drop from 4:38 (my best IM bike split previously) to under 4:30.  It was 15 watts.  That might not seem like a ton, but at a solid effort, it's pretty intimidating.  So that's what I set out for.  (I ended up averaging 38 watts higher than that, FYI)

Same for the run and swim.  I knew I had to average under 6:30 for most of the marathon.  And in my opinion,  I had to be a faster runner.  So we did a lot of low 5 min pace work, b/c 6:30's at the end of an Ironman feel much harder than in training.  And I trained w/ some real runners, esp Jared Bassett (thanks man!).  The long runs were ~6 min pace, and some of the workouts were way faster than I was used to.  I think the biggest advantage was just making me feel like a runner again.  Just having confidence that this was my strength.

 So 8:18:30, 11th Overall.  A big P.R. for me.  51 min swim, 4:24 bike (4:20 plus a 4 min blocking penalty-I pulled out to pass the guy in front of me,  right as someone was passing me- it was the right call), and a 2:52 marathon. link- RESULTS

 I'm pretty much blown away by the response and support from friends and family.  I don't look at this as "making it"...I went fast in a fast race, it was a HUGE step for me....But there are many more steps.  It would be a shame to work hard, accomplish your goals for the season, then not stay focused on the main goal (winning an Ironman), and not trying to improve next season.

 I'll rest, relax for now, then start up and just keep trying to get better.  Thanks so much for all the support.  Especially my family, who supports me so much.  Sarah, Mom, Dad, Jack and Bennett, my (literal) rockstar sister Jessy... Thank you.

And to my support team and sponsors, I appreciate all you do, and am honored to work with some of the best companies in the business-

Athletes Lounge
ClubSport Oregon
Craft USA
BMC Switzerland
Blue Seventy
Rolf Prima
Oakley Northwest
Quietly Fierce Media
Cliff English Coaching