Sunday, August 14, 2011


Good training day. Got up and swam in the AM with Chris Bagg and Damian Hill. Both were coming off hard efforts, so I got a chance to push the pace. They've been working me pretty good in the pool lately, so that was nice.

Out to Rocky Point Rd on the bike for 3x's up. Increased the HR on each effort. Finished with 40 minutes, biggest gear on the flats, and similar climbing heartrate.

Almost 2 hours (out of 3:15) at effort, felt great. Chris Bagg was just getting ready to head out to run when I got back, so it was ideal to get me going and finish my transition run strong.

It's interesting how different you can feel from one session to the next. Two days ago, I felt awful, could barely get through a workout, then things just turn around. That's what great about training. I hate deciding before the workout how I feel, whether I should do it, change it, etc...You never really know till you get out there. Somedays, the best decision is to just pull the plug, relax, and get ready for the next one. But there's only one way to find out.

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