Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Orleans 70.3 -- 3:59:53

  "we came here to live life like nobody was watching....
  Learned from that failure, gained humility, and then we keep marching"

"expectations are resentments waiting to happen" 

                                                -Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

    Maybe a bit dramatic of a line for a race blog, but it speaks to me.  Can't be afraid of any other athlete I race, any thoughts associated w/ results, any concerns or comparisons to anyone else.  Just be yourself, be confident, and compete.  Accept what that is. Plus those are lines from songs I was listening to pre-race, so there's that.

    I can say I did that pretty well this weekend at Ironman New Orleans 70.3.   I had a fair amount of confidence coming in from Galveston, where I felt like a good result got taken because of a flat tire.  I took care of what I could to stop that from happening, mostly rested up leading into this race, and was ready to go.

    Race morning, and I knew it would be a tough race, with the last minute inclusion of Andreas Raelert, the man with the fastest Ironman time in history, as well as a very solid field w/ athletes like Trevor Wurtele, Brandon Marsh, Tim Van Berkel, and others....The head was screwed on right though, and I was game.

* It seems a lot of people saw pics/posts/etc...from our training camp in Tucson this year.  So this is a pretty cool video Sean Watkins ( made of the camp.  Nice to remember a great camp and plus, who doesn't love this song?  CEC Pro Camp video (*

      Good swim for me, I actually stayed pretty close to the front 3 guys for a good part of the swim, but finally got gapped.  Settled in late with the main pack of contenders, and got out of transition in a great (top 5 overall) position.  Swim split: 25:27

     Unfortunately, the legs weren't there.  I just couldn't hold any watts early, and did everything I could to get in gear and stay with that main group.  Nothing outside of my control, just popped at 15 min.  15 minutes in, and it already seemed like my day was over.  There was a real part of me that just wanted to turn around, pack it up, and go home.  But that wasn't gonna happen, I tried to regroup, get in some fluids, and get back going.
me "not feeling it"

Derek Garcia came by after a while, and by then I felt a bit better, and could hang with him, though it was very tough for me.  I was discouraged at first, b/c the top guys were quite a bit ahead.  But I just stayed with it, and sure enough, by the last turnaround at Bayou Sauvage, we had made up a LOT of time.  Big confidence boost, though I almost lost it all back STRUGGLING the last 5-6 miles of the bike.  That's where I realized I was pretty low on the calories and fluids I typically aim for.  Oh well, not much to do about it then. Bike split: 2:11:28

Starting the run, I was kinda the same as the bike, just didn't have it.  I said on the run the same thing I said to myself on the bike- "bad legs now, good legs later"....I honestly have no basis for thinking that, but whatever works at the time, right?

  You don't get to be tough sometimes.  This is where you have to be tough, when things are bad, not when things are great.  It's easy to push when everything's clicking. Much harder when you're not feeling it. Run split: 1:20:20.

    So anyway....Not much more to say, other than I just kept going, though I was pretty trashed, and I just stayed on it, and got just under 4 hours, 3:59:53, 11th Overall.

     It was my first time under 4 hours, which is solid, especially on a tough day.  But I want to compete with the top guys, compete for podium finishes.  I'm not going to be happy with 11th place.  But I am thankful to take a step forward.  I'm grateful to have a complete race where I went the absolute best I can on the day.  But this is the starting point for the season, a lot of work to do, and a lot of time left on the table.

    Thanks so much to everyone who supports me. I just want to respect and represent all the support I have from everyone in my life.  Thanks to Sarah, my family (Mom, Dad, Jessy-next time you boil crawfish, make sure I'm in town!), my business partners, everyone who lets me keep this up.  And my boys for singing Thrift Shop with me and continuing to ask me why I didn't win (I'm trying!). Thanks to my great friend Ryan for hanging all weekend and just being a big help with everything. Big thanks to my sponsors for everything you do for me, it's great having you guys in my corner. Let's keep this going and keep improving.

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